Tools to Help Document Azure Resource Groups

Sometimes is a good to go back an review any fundamental concepts. This way you can refresh and improve your skill sets. It’s true that practice makes perfect!

So, while reviewing the Microsoft Docs “Azure Architecture Fundamentals” . Here it discuss the use of Dashboards you can customized and organized your Azure resources. This course will help you setup a sandbox environment, so you can build a WordPress web application.


I went ahead to create my dashboard  documenting this exercise. Just keeping it simple!

For more information click on Azure Dashboard. You can create up to 100 ‘Private’ dashboards per user.

The next tool has recently got some attention: AzViz PowerShell module. This is module has the ability to generate a visual representation of your Azure Resources.

What was Great about this PowerShell module? For some time, I’ve created many sample demo resource assets within my subscription. This module show me the mess I have with my Azure assets in the cloud. See below image.

This is great tool for documenting your Azure Resources Group with a single one-liner help you create the the an image file of your Azure Resources Group assets.

## - AzViz example, after connecting to your Azure Subscription:
Import-Module AzViz
Export-AzViz -ResourceGroup 'your-azresourcegrp' -Theme light -OutputFormat png -Show -Direction top-to-bottom

Note: Keep in mind, you’ll need to manually rename the output.png file.

As you can see, much better picture presentation compare to the messy one.

This module will can be installed from the PowerShell Gallery, and any issues reported in Github.

As you can see, these tool not only help you to document, but also manage and organize your workloads.

Go Ahead and Try it!